Saturday, 4 December 2010

Tim's 12 Tags of Christmas Day 4

On the 4th day of Christmas my true love gave to me.... another tag!  Lot's of substitutes this time as I don't have the paper pad, the facets, or the bling. Soooo it was an image from my Crafty Images CD, a fragment, a couple of charms,  and some nail art from the pound shop lol.
Santa's weight loss is due to having to be stretched to tag size - if only life was so simple, stick your photo in the computer and stretch yourself to the correct shape. Think I would need to have the ceilings raised though :o)
I didn't think my fragment was working but I kept on adding the alcohol ink and it turned out fine.
I did the wish tag too but thought it looked better without. Tell me what you think.
Now I'm looking at the picture I quite like it :o) Thanks very much for looking and don't forget to check out everyone's amazing tags at Artyjen's Splinter Group x


  1. Oooo it would work for me being stretchedon the computer :Dif only..........LOL
    Fabby tag :D
    Julie xx

  2. What a fantastic tag! I love it.

  3. Think the alcohol fragment is fab-u-lous! 'Tis a fabby tag.
    You had me laughing at the stretchy bit ;) Yes if only!
    xoxo Sioux

  4. Love your alternative tag Sue! x

  5. A fantastic tag, it really works, I like the ones where people have had to improvise, rather than follow to the rule.

  6. lol this is brilliant ( I need to take a leaf out of santas diet book lol) and I think your pound shop find in the nail art is inspired - (tracey says as she hurries to her cosmetic basket to find similar treasures) - thanks for sharing both a fab tag and a great blog post xxx

  7. What a fab tag, especially love the skinny santa, if you hadn't of said, I wouldn't of noticed. Lovely tag - well done xxxx

  8. OOOh terrific improvisation, love it and the beautiful droplets at the bottom of the tag. Personally I prefer it without the label, the top one is perfect as it is. Annette x

  9. Exquisitely crafted, dear Sue!
    So beautiful. BRAVO!

  10. Absolutely beautiful - that's what I think. x

  11. Wow! What a gorgeous, colourful tag.


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