Saturday, 17 July 2010

It's All Hearts and Flowers

The theme this week over at Lots To Do is In Stitches. Now I am not a stitcher - I remember as a kid my mum passing me needles to thread 'cos she couldn't see the eye in the needle. This will never happen to me I thought smugly....Well Mother Nature can be such a witch!!
So after my daughter had threaded several needles for me lol I cut out my ATC base in brown felt, and stitched on various felt die cuts.
This was quite relaxing actually, I usually do my crafting tucked away in the conservatory, but this time I joined the rest of the world in the living room and watched Midsommer Murders as I stitched. Honestly who would ever want to live in Midsommer, you wouldn't last two minutes :o)
Thanks very much for looking and have a great weekend x


  1. what a beautiful summer piece! love your stitching!

  2. Lovely ATC Sue and well done on all that sewing. Umm good thing we do not know when we are young all the joys of growing older maturity has its benefits as well! Thank you for joining in with our LTD challenge Hilda will be back on Thursday and will be popping round to everyone then. xx Zoe

  3. can never tell, what the future brings to you...wonderful, that you tried it...and you tried it very successfully...

    xoxo silvi (germany)

  4. Beautifully stitched tag. Great colours, Annette x

  5. lovely stitched piece..I am addicted to watching the Travel Channel at the moment havent watched Midsommer yet..thanks for visiting my blog

  6. Oh how lovely, your stitching is fab

  7. Me thinks you should do more :)

  8. Great atc Sue

    Thanks for joining the Lotstodo Challenge - sorry I'm late in visiting - I've been away visiting with family xx Hilda


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