Monday, 31 May 2010

Peeled Paper ATC's

Here are some of the peeled paint ATC's I have made for Chriss's challenge. Very simply made 'cos I've not crafted for about a year, I've used Claudine Hellmuth's tecnique of a layer of acrylic paint, then vaseline smuged over, then another different colour of acrylic. The valeline acts as a resits so when you wipe over when dry, some of the top layer comes away and the bottom layer is revealed.

The stamps are all by Clarity except for the tiny birds which is one of my favourite Tim Holtz stamps.

Thanks to Chriss for the invite to join in, I really enjoyed myself getting inky again.

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  1. Hi Sue! Hope this means you are back. Love your ATCs - lovely images!

  2. WOW Sue how great to see you making and blogging again.

    Lovely stuff xxxxxx


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