Sunday, 16 February 2025

Obstinate, Headstrong Girl

 Good morning and a very happy Sunday. Today I'm sharing some mini-album pages I've made using the fabulous Obstinate Headstrong Girl collection from Relatively Thoughtful.

You should never waste the cover sheet!
The album was pre-bought and holds 6x8 pages (or any size you like really up to 6x8)
One of the best things about having digital collections is that you can print the papers on both sides. I've printed a pattern and a contrasting solid on the same sheet here.
I've added some pockets and photo mats.
I love how pretty this collection is!

Here the pages are opened out.
And folded back up again. As you can see there are some beautiful images included in the collection.
The yellow mat is a flap so will take 2 6x4 photos.
These are 4x3 photos. I use the Selphy App which lets me combine 2 4x3 pictures onto 1 6x4 print.
These pages also take 6x4 photos. These are from our holiday last December.
These were taken a week apart! Blue skies and sunshine in Malaga, and woolly hat and Christmas gloves in Leeds! 
As Neil very kindly pointed out, the poinsettias are upside down! No one likes a smart ar*e!

As always the collection is available in both digital and A4 format.
I hope you like my pages, I'll certainly be adding more, and hopefully some Summer photographs.
Take care and have a wonderful week.

Sunday, 2 February 2025

Down on the Farm!

 Good morning and a very happy Sunday. Well, we've finally made it into February! January has been the longest month year ever!

I know we're not out of Winter yet, but I'm looking forward to some brighter and warmer days. We were going to take my Granddaughter to a petting zoo last week, but the winds put paid to that. So in readiness for our trip later this week, I've made a loaded pocket.

I've used papers from the Relatively Thoughtful Easter Farm collection. These are so fresh and clean, and perfect for Spring makes.

I've made one of these before with the Sherlock Holmes collection. If you would like to see how that turned out, please click here
Again I've followed the tutorial from Paul Lang-Ford and I'll put the links to his Facebook group and YouTube page at the bottom.
This is the front with two large pockets.
I also cut out some of the cute animals from the cut-apart sheets. I'll add some journaling on these when I add them to the photographs.
I've trimmed the corners and added some twine to turn them into tags.
I've also cut these from the cut-apart sheets to add to the front and back.
Such cuties!
And these are the photo-mats that fit inside the pocket. They take a full 6x4 photograph, and I can also add a tag with dates and places etc.
I'll fit the photos with adhesive photo corners so that I can slide in the tag underneath with any journaling or info that I want to put on.

And this is the front all decorated up. I can put more photos in here too. The photo mats just slide inside the wallet.
As always the collection is available in both digital and A4 collections.
Take care, and have a lovely weekend whatever you are doing xx