Saturday, 20 June 2009

Curiouser and Curiouser

Here is my entry to this weeks (this is where I get my piece of paper out so that I do my link correctly) Saturday Workout challenge, which this week is Embossing Resist. I really like this technique, but my Versamark pad is sooooo filthy I really must get another one.
There is a great tutorial posted on the SaWo site, I am going to try the one with Brasso - Yes that's right, the cleaning stuff and Yes I will have to buy some first :o)
I've coloured my mountboard with lime green dye ink, then given it a quick blast to dry it off completely. Then I've stamped my Cherry Pie Alice in Wonderland stamps. (That damned Chubby Brown song keeps going through my head - you know the one
'Who the .... is Alice. Thankfully I can remember Smoky's original so I'm telling myself to think of that instead - 24 years eh....)
Ah yeah, stamped the Alice stamps with dirty Versamark, then embossed in clear embossing powder. I've brayered a Big and Juicy pad over the top, and gone round the edge in a deep blue.
Thanks for looking, and have a fab Sunday. xx

Sunday, 14 June 2009

6th of the 6th

Sally has set me a challenge, which is to open the 6th folder in my photographs, take the 6th photo and tell it's story.
My photo is my Christmas name on Craftswap forum, which I joined a couple of years ago.
It's a very friendly place for crafter to chat about anything, and I've 'met' some lovely people over there.
Luckily it wasn't the 5th of the 5th as that is a picture of Molton Brown hand cream that I sold on e-bay years ago!
So in the words of Noddy Merry Christmas!!

If Happy Little Bluebirds Fly...

Here is my entry to this weeks Sunday Postcard Art challenge, which is 'Over The Rainbow' My poor little caged bird is longing to be free and fly away over the rainbow.
The bird and cage are from Cherry Pie, and the tree and flying bird are by Tim Holtz.
The background has been watercoloured on watercolour paper, so is a bit bumpy, then embossed with sparkly embossing powder.
This was my first attempt at using a stamp positioner (to get the bird in the cage). This makes perfect sense in theory but a lot of caged birds ended up in the bin lol.
Thanks very much for looking x

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Theme Thursday - Flourishes

Here is my entry to the lovely challenge at Theme Thursday which is 'flourishes'
The sea stamp is by My Sentiments Exactly, together with the seahorse which I have used for the shrink plastic dangly.
The large flourish is by Creative Expressions, and the smaller stamps used are by Basic Grey.
The core'dinations card has been cuttlebugged and sanded, then very lightly brayered with the same big and juicy inkpad that the main image had been stamped in.
I think this is the first time that I've made a card from this stamp. It's a lovely stamp but I've never been able to transfer it to a card. I think that the Cuttlebug will solve this type of problem, and I really like the way it works with core'dination's.
Thanks very much for looking x

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Alice's Complete Makeover

I received my new Alice In Wonderland stamp plate today from Cherry Pie, and I had to have a play straight away. The challenge at Wednesday Stampers is Fashion, which made me think of those Complete Makeover programmes. I always wondered what would happen if they looked into the mirror and though Ugh! I recon this is what Alice is thinking as she looks into her mirror, although I think that shade of blue looks rather fetching.
The mirror is from Google Images, and the background is dye inks. The blotches are where I have drizzled glue and then wiped away. How inventive I hear you say - no I spilt the glue I reply, so I had to keep going lol.
A little bit of German Scrap, and the words are from a label maker.
I really enjoyed my little play, and thanks for looking x

Sunday, 7 June 2009

Whirlpool of Passion!!

Ooo er Missus - not the sort of think I would read you understand (contact me later and I'll tell you how it ends) but this is what my bathing beauty is interested in. She's my entry to this weeks Sunday Postcard (bathing beauties) and Lots to Do (charms) challenges.
My background has been gesso'd so it's nice and textured, and stamped with the Prima newspaper stamp. This has been coloured with various distress inks and white acrylic. The beauties image is from the Crafty Image Emporium CD, which I've water coloured. Her parasol is from the same CD.
The hatpin started off as romantic red, but I wanted it to be blue so I coloured it with a peel off pen. Altogether now red and blue make PURPLE.
The rub ons are from Creative Imaginations - these are my favouritist rub-ons ever, and I thought she looked like a bit of a heartbreaker so I've given her the key to some poor fools heart!
My mum found a couple of peacock feathers and gave 'em to me bless her. She says they are unlucky and she may be right 'cos that's all she found of the peacock.
The romantic fiction is curtesy of Messrs Mills & Boon, it says in my Claudia book (you may have heard me mention it) that this is a great place to look for quotes. Boy was she right - there was some real doosies lol.
Enjoy what's left of the weekend - or do what I'm going to do and iron till the early hours !
Thanks very much for looking x

Friday, 5 June 2009

Just Dreamy....

This is my entry to this weeks Thank God It's Friday challenge which is 'Dreams'. Every time I think about dreams, this beautiful Cherry Pie lady comes to mind. She has such a wistful expression, I don't know if she's happy or sad.
The canvas background has been painted with lots of acrylics, and over stamped with the swirly Stamp Camp stamp. I had inked it up in black, but the stamp actually removed the paint from the canvas and showed up what had been painted on underneath. I think this looks quite nice so I am claiming it as my own brilliant idea lol.
The sentiment is from Elusive Images and has been printed on tissue paper.
My lady has been coloured in with ProMarkers.
The smaller grungy stamps are also Cherry Pie and have been painted with Ranger dabbers.
Thanks very much for looking and have a fab (and hopefully sunny) weekend x

Monday, 1 June 2009

TMTA Egypt

Here is my entry to this weeks TMTA challenge which is Egypt.
The background is a mixture of red and bronze inks which has been embossed with transparent embossing powder.
The peel off has been covered in deco balls which have been in my stash for evvvvver.
My Egyptian cat has been stamped and embossed, and the scarab beetles have been dipped in verdigris embossing powder.
This is the first time I've used a peel off in months - I don't really like them, but like every newby crafter I bought literally hundreds of sheets :o) and I don't have anything else in an Egyptian theme.
Thanks very much for looking x

Sunday, 31 May 2009

Saturday Workout - Altered Books

The challenge this week at Saturday Workout is Altered Books. I hope my entry counts as rather that alter a book, I have made one to keep my postcards in.
I've made a few now and they are stored in an old shoe box in my wardrobe!
I've just made a couple of covers with mountboard and joined together with book-rings.
I've used lots of acrylic paints, grungeboard, and a huge postcard stamp from Just for Fun.
I've tried not to fill it too much, as I want to put a little sample of each postcard on the front as I make it, so a year from now it could be quite crowded :o)
I'm quite pleased with my book, and the fact that I've made it. A couple of months ago there was no way I would have attempted anything like this, and I really enjoyed giving it a go.
Thanks very much for looking. x

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Mummm..... feet are cold! Well they say the old jokes are the best...:o)
Here is my entry to this weeks TMTA challenge which is wild animals.
I love Polar Bears, it's hard to imagine that these cuddly guys would look at you and think 'dinner'
The image is copyright free from Google. I've used lots of Twinkling H2O's for the background, glitter glue and beads.
The bottom 2/3 of the image has been stuck down flat, and the cub has that non-smelly silicone glue to raise him up a little.
Thanks very much for looking. x

Sunday, 24 May 2009

Claudine Page 40..... image transfers, so that's what I've done for my Magpie. I can see why she say's it's not recommended for ink jet printers, 'cos most of my ink floated off into the bowl of water needed for the contact paper transfer.
Sooo add new printer to my list of 'needs' lol.
This is my entry to today's Sunday Postcard Art challenge which is 'Numbers'
Creative Imaginations backing paper, lot's of ink and an image from a collage book that I got from e-bay ages ago. Isn't it amazing how everything come in eventually.
I'm loving my new book, the next chapter is about beeswax - havn't got any yet but watch this space.
Thanks for looking and to all in the UK have a nice day off tomorrow x

I've Cracked It Too

Here is my entry to this weeks Lot's To Do challenge which is 'cracking'.
I've used the acrylic paint and PVA technique and it's worked out very nicely on my sticky canvas. I tried it last week on mountboard and it ended up in the bin.
I've used Ranger acrylic in pesto as the base coat, a layer of Bostic PVA, then a layer of white acrylic on top.
We've got a lovely sunny day today so this dried while I was cleaning the kitchen. (DH did a lovely full English but this means that the kitchen then needs re-decorating lol)
I've stamped TH's tree's and reindeer in distress inks over the top, and swiped Pine Needles around the sides.
Does this mean it is time to start on the Christmas Cards :o)
Thanks very much for looking x

Saturday, 23 May 2009

I Got A New Book na na na na na!

I have got a Claudine Hellmuth collage book and it is sooooo fab except it made (yes made!) me order tons of stuff like acrylic medium, and canvas and you know what it's like when you start looking round arty crafty websites - I now need to work 'till I'm at least 120!
Anyhoos the challenge at SaWo is 'sparkling' so here is my sparkling piece ('cept you can't really tell that it's sparkling, but it is - honest)
I covered a tag with some sticky backed canvas and painted with paint dabbers in a pale blue. Then did a deeper blue wash and finished with a coat of pearl (that's where the sparkling comes in)
Then a layer of aforesaid gel medium and stuck an old book page on top. I added masking tape and removed some of the book paper. This was the really good bit 'cos now some of the ink has transfered and it's back to front, and some has peeled.
I've stamped my favourite TH tree and birds, and just edged with a midnight blue ink.I think it needs something on the bottom, but I don't know what, and as I quite pleased with it so far I don't want to spoil it (like my 3 earlier attempts but we won't talk about those) :o) Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I know that you all have probably been doing this stuff for years, but it's new to me and I'm really excited lol.
Thanks for looking and have a fab weekend x

Friday, 22 May 2009

One For The Boys

Here is my entry to this weeks DU2 Digi-Stamp challenge which is One For The Boys. My son is 16 today(eek) and a card carrying Barnsley fan. Now every self respecting football team has to have a local rival, and in Barnsley's case it's Sheffield United. I've dressed Sandra's fabulous meerkats in Sheffied's colours and added a rather uncomplimentary caption using Saffmat. This is the first time I have used this and so I'm still learning. It worked great over the gold where I cut it really close, and I should have cut it down closer over the green, but I wasn't going to print it again!
The background is from Google Images. I really don't know about copyright etc, but it's an area I'm going to have to look into.
Thanks very much for looking and have a great weekend xx

Monday, 18 May 2009

Think Monday Think ATC - Indian

Here is my entry for this weeks TMTA challenge which is Indian.
My first though when I read this was Ghandi, so I went along with that.
The background is yellow, orange and brown distress inks and my old favourite Cherry Pie stamp.
The image is from those nice Google people.
I didn't realise this was one of Ghandi's quotes - my goodness he had lots of fantastic quotes!
Thanks very much for looking x

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Where Did You Get That Hat Where Did You Get That Hat....

This is my first ever entry to The Sunday Postcard Art Challenge. This week the theme is Postage Stamp People, and luckily there is an excellent YouTube tutorial for those of us whose 1st reaction was 'Uh'
I got some used postage stamps from that well known auction site a couple of years ago, and after about an hour or so of ripping my craft room apart, I managed to find them :o)
The main stamp is by Paper Artsy, along with some of the background, together with Cherry Pie. A very inky background with lots of Mod Podge.
The whole thing just begged the question 'Where did you get that hat'

Thanks very much for looking.

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Theme Thursday - Masculine

Here is my entry for the Theme Thursday Masculine challenge. The stamps used are by Oxford Impressions. Various distress inks, and a TH paper distresser to rough up the corners.
Thanks very much for looking . x

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Rhubarb Crumble & Custard??

Mmmm now there's a challenge - make a tag with rhubarb crumble and custard. Let me explain.... Dragon's challenge this week is pink for rhubarb, yellow for custard and texture for crumble.
My texture is my lovely pink velvet paper. I had this for years - far too nice to use but very strokeable. The yellow card has been cuttlebugged and swiped with pink chalk ink.
My sneakers stamp has been coloured with Prismas.
A lace was threaded through a couple of eyelets to continue the shoe theme, with a bit o' bling added 'cos that's what you have on trainers these days :) The laces have been coloured with Sakura Stardust pens (doesn't show up too well unless you click on the tag)
I really enjoying making tags, I'm getting quite a collection. Swapsies anyone??
Thanks very much for looking xx

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Way To Go Dino!

Louise over at Kard Krazy
has hosted a new Tuesday Tag challenge, and this weeks theme is 'direction'.
The direction I have gone in is Back in Time (remember when men were hairy and brought home the dino burgers).
My dino is from the very cute Basic Grey Anarchic set. The tag's been inked up with distressed inks, creased, soaked and gererally mistreated.
Not very 'arty' I'm afraid but lots of fun.
Thanks for looking and pop on over to Louise's lovely blog for more tags. xx

Monday, 11 May 2009

Bling it On!

Here's my entry for this weeks TMTA challenge which is Jewelry.
The background is stamped and embossed in black, then filled in with red and gold and embossed again.
My glamour gal has been coloured with Prisma's and Pro Markers. and her jewels are nail art crystals from that well known crafty chain Poundland.
These are so tiny I'm not even sure if the clear ones are the right way up, but my eyes were starting to cross!
The pampered pooch isn't really pink, he just hasn't scanned too well.
Time for bed now, so thanks for looking. x

Friday, 8 May 2009

Theme Thursday On Er Friday

Better late than never, here's my entry to this weeks Theme Thursday which is 'Music and/or Dance'
This is one of my very favourite stamps, from Just For Fun. Her dress has been coloured with Prisma's, and her face and arms with Pro Markers. I got the Skin Tone set from Silly Monkey Crafts, and I love them, they are so smooth and I shall certainly be adding to my collection.
The background is Coredinations which has been Cuttlebugged and sanded. So simple but I think it looks really effective.
The tiny embelishment in top right is a ballet shoe stamp on shrink plastic.
I tried to keep it nice and simple, and I'm quite pleased with the result - have I finally realised that less is more - doubt it :0).
Thanks for looking and enjoy your weekend xx

TGIF Childhood

Mmmm another one of those OMG what am I going to do challenges, but I have to admit I'm really pleased with the result. The challenge at Thank God It's Friday this week is Childhood, and I have very few stamps with children. (I do have that very wierd Sir Tim one with wings and a paper hat but.... (all TH worshipers please look away now)... I don't like it!
The background is Stazon and Distress Inks that's been Versamarked and tripple embossed. The Ticket is this months freebie from Craft Stamper. It stamps really nicely and will defo get a lot of use.
The sisters is part of a stamp that I got from USA, so it's either Cats Life Press or Just For Fun. The clowning around stamp is Paper Artsy.
The feathers just happened to be on my desk (hey its the weekend :0) ) so on they went.

Have a great weekend and thanks for looking xx

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Oooh A New Challenge Site Tag It On

I was so pleased that Dragon had launched a new tag challenge, but I have to confess that when I read that this weeks was 'Fairy's at the bottom of the garden' my heart sank. I just don't 'do' fairy's so my first challenge was to make something 'fairyish' that I liked.
After spending a sum closely resembling the national debt on CD's, pretty papers, templates etc, I have finally come to realise that I actually prefer stamping best. Will this stop me buying all the other stuff?... ugh ugh, but at least I have self realisation lol.
Anyway, back to the fairies...
The stamp is by Paper Artsy, and if the challenge had been 'angels' this is the stamp I would have used, but today they are fairys. I've stamped the Tim Holtz tree onto my tag, then painted in the background with Twinkling H2O's. The angel-fairys have been coloured with Prisma and Pro Markers, and the wings glittered.
The genuine flower fairy is from one of the above mentioned CD's. I actually cut out about 6 of her, but a fairy clone is way too scary.
I actually quite like my tag, and I certainly enjoyed the challenge which is what it's all about, so I shall be back next week - hoping that it isn't angels...
Thanks very much for looking xx

Monday, 4 May 2009

Thanks To Sally

For my lovely award, it's really made my day. I now need to pass it on to five other people, so here goes (as they say on TV, in no particular order) lol

All fantastic blogs so please make a visit xx

TMTA - Peacocks

Here's my atc for this weeks TMTAchallenge which is peacocks or peacock feathers.
I don't have any peacock stamps, so I stamped the peacock feather and embossed with white embossing powder, and brayed with blue and green ink.
I've stamped my swirly bird (nearest thing I've got to a peacock) and glittered and beaded him.
Thanks very much for looking xx

Friday, 1 May 2009

My First Gothic Arch

If anyone comes across my safety zone today could you please send it back to me, cos I'm so far out of it I can't even see it any more.
I've never made a Gothic Arch before, so I thought it was about time I did. I know nothing about them other than it's this shape, so if it's not right please let me know.
I've never entered the Thank God It's Friday Challenge either, so it's a day of firsts.
Thanks for looking and have a great weekend xx

Swirly Bird Wears a Crown

Here is my entry to Theme Thursday's challenge which is 'Hats or Crowns' I've painted my ATC background with Ranger acrylic dabbers in Misty Blue, Cool Piri and silver. The background stamp is from Stamp Camp, and the swirly bird image is by Hels Sheridan and can be bought from Artistic Stamper.
Sorry about the picture quality, I tried to scan it and the result was just scary!! Have you ever seen a swirly bird on steroids - very butch but just wrong lol.
My family are all coming over this weekend for my Grandma's 95th birthday, we're not a huge family but we'll certainly fill my place -should be good fun.
Thanks for looking and have a great weekend.

Thursday, 30 April 2009

Blog Candy Alert

Debbie is offering the most fantastic candy for her blogaversary. Pop on over and take a look at her amazing blog x

Kim is also having a blogaversary - another two fantastic blogs to add to my collection of favourites x

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Wednesday Stamper - Orange Mark 1 and 2

I always have a look at the Wednesday Stampers blog, realise that I am not worthy, and never take part. However, this mornings post just blew me away and I decided that I must have a go. I've changed my hours at work so have the day off today - it feels like crafting in works time. Won't be as good on Saturday though when I'm going in but that's days away yet :o)
The theme is orange, so I have gone for a sunrise/sunset sort of thing.
The bird stamp is from Elusive Images, and the background has been painted with Ecoline inks, then sprayed with mango Cosmic Shimmer spray, which I got pretty damn quickly when Joanna Sheen got them back in stock.
Last night I went to a Stampin Up demo held by Jo.
This was so much fun - it's so nice to be able to talk crafty talk to people who are still awake after 30 seconds (my family know who I am talking about) :0). You can tell how nice everyone was, no-one mentioned the fact that I had a black eye that would put Ricky Hatton to shame! ( I do jujitsu - obviously not too well lol)
Thanks very much for looking and have a great day xx

You know that saying, if t isn't broken don't fix it - well I just wasn't quite convinced that my ATC was finished (I have such a fear of empty spaces, must get therapy) So I gave it another spray of the Cosmic Shimmer - just because it is sooooo nice, then I added a little Basic Grey rub-on.
I'm happy now, it's all done - I'm walking away.....
really I am.....


Monday, 27 April 2009

Think Monday Think ATC

From the very bottom of my stamp tub, I found my only wooden mounted Sir Tim stamp. The smaller ones are by Oxford Impressions which I got when we were getting megga bucks to the pound ( I didn't want them you understand, I was just doing my bit for the economy).
This is the first time I've entered the Think Monday Think ATC challenge. I work on Mondays and usually can't be er... bothered, but I thought what the heck, stay up till 9.00 tonight lol.
Thanks very much for looking and Happy Mondays everyone xx

Sunday, 26 April 2009

Daisy & Dandelion Challenge

Here is my entry to this weeks Daisy and Dandelion challenge. The main background card is Bazzill (I never remember how many z's and l's) Bling. The others are Basic Grey c'os this is my favouritist (new word) paper in the whole world.
I tried to do a card without the stamped stitching but I just wasn't strong enough - damn you stitching stamp, you have too much control over me!!
Thanks very much for looking and have a fab Sunday xx

Friday, 24 April 2009

With Appologies To Abba....

OK they probably don't check my blog, but if they did....
This is my entry for this weeks dare u2 digistamp challenge which is 'things with wings.
The fab birds digi is from Charmed Cards and Crafts again, and the backing paper is from My Grafico which has load of yummy stuff.
For some reason these birds just remind me of the Mamma Mia film, so I just went with that.
Now on a more serious note, no-one warned me that digi stamps were addictive, surely there should be some sort of health/credit card warning???
Thanks for looking and have a great weekend xx

Sunday, 19 April 2009

Ooh A Leggy Bird With Big ....

EYES! Well what do you think I meant....
This is my card for the Dare u 2 Digistamp challenge. This week it's pink and green, so I immediately though of my new digi download from Charmed Cards & Crafts. I thought this would be a great saying for a mans card, but pink and green?? Mmmmm
The ostrich has been coloured with Prisma's and UTE'd. I've printed the tiny birds on printable acetate, 'cos the background looked a little bare, and I have a fear of open spaces when it comes to cardmaking!
The backing papers are Basic Grey - good strong 'mens' papers lol.
I've found it best to heat emboss the downloads, as even though they appear dry, the ink still smudged a little when I tried to colour in.
I really think these downloads are the way to go when making guy cards, if only I could remember how to resize them for printing without asking my son every time I would be well away.
Back to work tomorrow, so I have to iron now :o( - sorry for the bad language.
Thanks for looking xx

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Dandelion & Daisy

This is my entry to this week challenge which is With Love. You need to look carefully but the little bird is holding a 'with love' envelope.
The papers are a mixture of Smirk and Daisy and Dandelion.
I think I have done too many 'sketch' challenges, 'cos now I'm really struggling to do a card without a sketch to follow - maybe my mojo has just gone away for Easter :o)
Thanks for looking and have a great weekend. xx

Monday, 13 April 2009

Another Card - Simples

This little guy is my entry for this weeks Lots To Do ,Sketch and Stash and Dare u 2 Digi Stamp challenges. The Lots to Do challenge is numbers, and as it's my Brother in Law's 40th birthday soon I thought I better get on with his card. I'd like to say that it's a little something I knocked up in my coffee break, but in fact it took me AGES to make. Why is it some people make fantastic cards in minutes and it takes me forever to make one that I have a picture of the layout for??
The new element of the card is the digi download from Sandra Dry Designs. My brother in law is a big Southampton?? supporter, so I've done 'Simples' in the team colours. My bit of bling for their challenge is the glitter down the lapels of his smoking jacket.
As soon as I saw the meerkats I had to buy the whole lot - they are so cute and great for a man's card. Anything that makes these easier is OK by me!
Thanks very much for looking xx

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Sunday Stampers - Silver Lady

This is my entry to this weeks Sunday Stampers challenge. As usual the song has been going through my head all morning, so much so that I had to go and look it up on youtube . I loved David Soul's singing but I have to I prefered Paul Michael Glazer. To this day I prefer dark haired men, but at my age any hair will do lol. (Sorry Neil if you're reading :o) ) But I digress...
My ATC has a background of Cloudy Blue, Lake Mist and Silver acrylic dabbers blended together. The stamps are by Just for Fun, and have been stamped with dye ink and acrylic paints. The little bird charm is from Elusive Images.
This has been a fab challenge, the finished item actually came out as I had envisaged - that doesn't happen often, must be the extra chocolate in the blood stream....
Have a great Easter Weekend and thanks for looking xx

Saturday, 11 April 2009

ACouple of ATC's

I was in an ATC mood today, so out came the inks and the stamps and the glues....
Loads of mess later, and here are these two. Just stamping and colouring, and lots of Mod Podge - this is my mood indicator, the more I use the happier I am :o)
My latest find is golden Mod Podge from Craft Obsessions. I love this shop, they have just about everything and the service is second to none.
Thanks for looking and have a great weekend x

C is for.....

Collage, canvas and cork, W is for why am I sat here typing at midnight?.....
Here is my inky messy ATC for the Alphabet Challenge The main image is a much underused Hero Arts stamp. I saw it, loved it, had to have it, then struggled to use it. Lots of other stamps going off in the background, the postage stamp is from a job lot from e-bay that I've had since time began, same with the feather (under the sticky backed canvas 'Live Well') The cork stickers are Creative Imaginations, I had forgotten how much I liked these, they are so forgiving however you stamp them.
Took me ages to make but I really enjoyed it, so thats c to add to my collection.
Thanks for looking and have a lovely Easter xx

Sunday, 5 April 2009

Not For Those of a Nervous Disposition...

Wow this pink is making my eyes bleed :o) The owl is my entry to this weeks Sunday Stampers challenge which is birds. It's an Elusive Images stamp that's been coloured with Inktense pencils. I couldn't decide what to put round the edges, so I eventually came up with some Tim Holtz crackle paint. I used Worn Lipstick which is such a pale colour in the distress ink, so I thought nice subtle bit of crackling, and what I got was blamange pink!
I tried to tone it down a bit but it wasn't having any, so here it is in all its glory.
I've just realised I've not coloured the eyes, think I go and add a touch of er - not pink....
Thanks very much for looking xx

Lots To Do Challenge - Art

This is my entry for this weeks Lots To Do Challenge, which this week is Art.
I've tried to keep my ATC as simple as possible. It's been stamped and coloured with distress inks. I've stamped parts onto sticky backed canvas, and stuck over the top.
The butterfly has a coating of glossy accents, and job done.
Thanks very much for looking. xx

Saturday, 4 April 2009

Watch Out There's an Elephant About!

This is my entry to the latest Sketch and Stash challenge. The background papers are K&Co Chocolate Neopolitan, which I love too much to use very often. I really need to use them more often though, as like everything else, papers can start to look dated. The lovely elephant is my new stash item. It's from Little Claire Designs It's a clear stamp and it gives such a crisp, clear image. I've coloured it in Prisma pens. The sentiment stamp is by Cuddly Buddly, and the bit o bling is from the Prima set from QVC.
The background card is one of the lovely 8x8 pink cards from Craftwork Cards. This gave me plenty of room to work with, and I think it's a great size for a 'special' card. The doodle round the edge is from this month free stamp on Craft Stamper.
I really enjoyed making this card, which is what it's all about isn't it?
Thanks very much for looking xx

B Is For.....

Birds, blossom and branches.
This is my entry for this weeks Alphabet Challenge. It's another ATC, and I've used Elusive Imagages's tree stamp, and the Tim Holtz birds stamp that seems to be creeping into everything these days. I've used a mixture of inks to colour, and some crystal glaze to highlight the tree trunk and birds (and attach the ATC to the scanner :o))
Thanks very much for looking xx

Friday, 3 April 2009

Tanda Teaser - Vellum

Here is my 1st entry for the Tanda Teaser challenge. This week it's vellum. I've made an ATC with Rubadubadoo and Tim Holtz stamps, with some very basic direct to paper colouring.
The velum has been stamped with a Rubadubadoo stamp from the same set. I think it's a lovely quotation, and it goes really nicely with the rest of the set.
Thanks very much for looking. Sue x

Funky Fairy's Challenge - Green

Here's my entry for this weeks Funky Fairy challenge which is 'green'. The papers are from the Eclectic Lurve collection, which is full of lovely designs.
I've succumbed to the Daisy & Dandelion stamps. This is one of the teddy bears, I'm afraid I can't remember her name, but they do stamp beautifully. She's been coloured with Inktense pencils. The daisy border and the sentiment is from the same stamp set. These sets are really worth their money.
I wanted a little splash of colour, so used a red brad, some primas, and gems to finish.
A lovely challenge, thanks for looking and have a great weekend. x

Sunday, 29 March 2009

Funky Boxes

I ran out of time today so I had to combine a couple of challenges. At Lots to Do the challenge is to make a box, and at Funky Fairy's it's fruits or fruity colours. The papers are from a Funky Fairys download, A Chocolate Christmas, and I've made an ATC and an ATC box. The box embellishment's are plasma pieces from Craftwork Cards, and the background stamps on the ATC are by Sassafrass Lass, and the main image is an Elusive Images one.
Thanks very much for looking.